It’s a common question: Why the Y? Why is the Y Conference called the Y?
Design storyteller Michael Dooley tells the origin of the name in a wonderful 4-part profile on the Y Conference in Print Magazine:
Sure, your boss will foot the bills for design conferences that tell you how to do this ‘n’ that. But the ones that probe the “whys,” they’re the much more significant and, ultimately, the most rewarding ones.
“I don’t care about the how, I want to know about why designers do what they do,” said David Conover of StudioConover. “At the time How magazine was coming on strong in the design community. And as we sat about tossing out possible names for the conference it occurred to me – as it always has – that strategic graphic design practitioners knows how to use the tools to create, but differentiate themselves from others by also knowing why.”
And the rest as they say, is history.
The 19th Annual AIGA San Diego Design Conference is happening this March 14 & 15 at the University of San Diego and features Rob Quigley, architect for the new Central Library, Chistopher Chapman, Global Creativity and Innovation Director at the Walt Disney Company, Chip Kidd, author and graphic designer, and many more.